S.Senda, N.Takata, K.Nakai and K.Tsujita:
"Mode Analyses on the Kinematical Structure of Common Motion Patterns, Personal Peculiarities and Motor Dysfunction in Human Locomotion,"
Proc. of 16th Int. Conf. on Perception and Action, pp.143, Ouro Preto,
Brazil, (2011)
N.Takata, S.Senda, K.Nakaiand K.Tsujita:
"Mode Analyses on the Kinematical Structure of Basic Movements and Residual Patterns in Human Locomotion,"
Proc. of 16th Int. Conf. on Perception and Action, pp-186-189, Ouro Preto,
Brazil, (2011)
M.Goan and K. Tsujita:
"Direct and Indirect Control of Collective Human Action in a Medium-Sized Drama System,"
Proc. of 16th Int. Conf. on Perception and Action, pp.151, Ouro Preto,
Brazil, (2011)
K. Tsujita and K. Miki:
"A Study on Trunk Stiffness and Gait Stability in Quadrupedal
Locomotion Using Musculoskeletal Robot,"
Proc. of 15th Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics 2011, pp.316-321, Tallinn,
Estonia, (2011)
K.Tsujita, M.Matsuda and T.Masuda:
"An Adaptive Locomotion of a Quadruped Robot on Irregular Terrain using
Simple Biomimetic Oscillator and Reflex Controllers without Visual Information,"
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics 2010, pp.1358-1363, Tianjin,
China, (2010)
T.Kobayashi and K.Tsujita:
"Stability of Quadruped Locomotion under Changeable Body Stiffness,"
Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Mobiligence, pp.230-233, (2009)
T.Kobayashi and K.Tsujita:
"Stability of Gait Patterns with Changeable Body Stiffness in Quadruped
Locomotion," Proc. of Int. Conf. FAN 2009, pp.371-376, (2009)
T.Fukaya and K.Tsujita:
"The More Rehearsal, the More Noise in Timing Patterns,"
Proc. of 20th Int.Conf. on Noise and Fluctuations 2009,
pp.559-562, Pisa, Italy, (2009)
K.Tsujita, T.Kobayashi, T.Inoura and T.Masuda:
"Gait Transition by Tuning Muscle Tones using Pneumatic Actuators in
Quadruped Locomotion," Proc. of IEEE/RSJ IROS2008, pp.2453-2458
Nice, France, (2008)
K.Tsujita, T.Inoura, T.Kobayashi and T.Masuda:
"A Study on Locomotion Stability by Controling Joint Stiffness of Biped Robot with Pneumatic Actuators,"
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Motion and Vibration Ctonrol (MOVIC) 2008,
Munich, Germany, (2008) to appear
K.Tsujita, T.Inoura, T.Kobayashi and T.Masuda:
"A Study on adaptive gait transition of quadruped locomotion by changing muscle tone,"
Proc. of SICE annual conference, Tokyo, Japan, (2008) to appear
K.Tsujita, T.Inoura, T.Kobayashi and T.Masuda:"A Study on Locomotion
Stability at the Variance of Joint Stiffness," Proc. of AMAM2008,
Cleveland, USA, (2008)
K.Tsujita, T.Inoura, T.Kobayashi and T.Masuda: "Adaptive locomotion
control of a legged robot with pneumatic actuators," Proc. of IEEE Int.
Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics 2007, pp.1218-1223, Sanya, China, (2007)
K.Tsujita, T.Inoura and T.Masuda:
"Oscillator-controlled Bipedal Walker with Pneumatic Actuators,"
Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2007, Takamatsu, Japan, pp.2165-2169, (2007)
K.Tsujita, T.Inoura and T.Masuda:
"Development of Oscillator Controlled Biped Walker with Pneumatic Actuators,"
Proc. of 2nd Int. Symp. on Mobiligence, pp.129-132, Awaji, Japan, (2007)
M.Goan and K.Tsujita:
"Two succeeding stages in acquisition process of acting performance: A study on actors' skill in controllinig speech timing,"
Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on Perception and Action (ICPA), Yokohama, Japan, II-36,(2007)
M.Goan and K.Tsujita:
"An analysis of creative process of making a drama by dynamical systems approach,"
Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on Perception and Action (ICPA), Yokohama, Japan, II-37,(2007)
K.Tsujita, A.Morioka, K.Nakatani, K.Suzuki and T.Masuda: Oscillator-controlled
Bipedal Walk with Pneumatic Actuators, Proc. of Int. Conf. of Motion and Vibration
Control, 670/675, Daejon, Korea, (2006)
K.Tsujita: Locomotion Control of a Legged Robot using Oscillators,
Proc. of Neuromorphic Engineering, Telluride, USA (2003)
T.Urakubo, K.Tsuchiya, K.Tsujita: Attitude Control of a Spacecraft with Two
Reaction Wheels, Proc. of 5th Cranfield Conference on Dynamics and Control
of Systems and Structures in Space 2002, 89/96 (2002)
K.Tsujita, K.Tsuchiya, A.Onat, S.Aoi, M.Kawakami: Locomotion Control of a
Multipod Locomotion Robot with CPG Principles, Proc. of The Sixth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics,
Vol.2, 421/426, Tokyo, Japan, (2001)
K. Tsuchiya, K. Tsujita: A principle of design of an Autonomous Mobile Robot,
Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics,
Vol.1 320/323, Oita, Japan, (1999)
K.Tsuchiya, T.Urakubo and K.Tsujita: A Motion Control of a Two-Wheeled
Mobile Robot, Proc. of IEEE SMC'99, Vol.2, 690/696, Tokyo, Japan, (1999)
T. Shima, K. Tsujita and K. Tsuchiya: An Algorithm of Inverse Kinematics of a
Flexible Manipulator, Proc. of Eighth International Conference on Adaptive
Structures and Technologies, 405/413, Wakayama, Japan, (1998)
K. Tsujita, K. Tsuchiya and H. Kawano: A Study on Optimal Motion of a Biped
Locomotion Machine, Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Artificial
Life and Robotics, 11/16, Oita, Japan, (1998)
T. Shima, T. Fukunaga, K. Tsujita and K. Tsuchiya: Robust Shape Control
of a
Flexible Structure, Acta Astronautica, 41, No. 1, 7/14, (1998)

K.Tsujita, T.Kobayashi, T.Inoura and T.Masuda:
Feasibility Study on Stability of Gait Patterns with Changable Body
Stiffness using Pneumatic Actuators in Quadruped Robot,"
Advanced Robotics, Vol.23, pp.503-520, (2009)
K.Tsujita, T.Inoura, T.Kobayashi and T.Masuda:
A Study on Locomotion Stability by Controling Joint Stiffness of Biped
Robot with Pneumatic Actuators, Motion and Vibration Control, Springer,
pp.305-314, (2008)
後安,辻田:演劇創作におけるシステムダイナミクス, 認知科学, Vol.14, No.3,
K.Tsuchiya, T.Urakubo, K.Tsujita: Motion control of a nonholonomic system
based on the Lyapunov control method, Journal of Guidance, Control and
Dynamics, Vol.25, No.2, 285/290 (2002)
K.Tsuchiya, T.Nishiyama, K.Tsujita: A deterministic annealing algorithm for a
combinatorial optimization problem using replicator equations, Physica
D, 149,
161/173 (2001)
T.Urakubo, K.Tsuchiya, K.Tsujita: Motion control of a two-wheeled mobile
robot, Advanced Robotics, Vol.15, No.7, 711/728 (2001)